If the message and teaching of the Center speaks to you, please consider making a donation to help us further our good and perfect work in Central Texas.

We are a self-supporting organization and rely on the gifts our members and visitors to continue our operations. 

Divine love consecrates my gifts. They go forth to heal, to bless, and to prosper. They are evidence of my commitment. They do their good and perfect work and return to me multiplied abundantly.



Using this website, you can submit a
one-time donation via Stripe.

If you would like to set up a recurring donation,
please contact the Center at 512-892-7777.

We are also happy to accept your donation
over the phone or by postal mail.

Center for Spiritual Living of Central Texas -or- CSLCTX
P.O. Box 41686
Austin, TX  78704


Support while you

Since we are an Amazon Affiliate,
you can increase your financial support of our
wonderful Center. Everything you buy will
be the same price as before,
BUT a percentage of the sale
is donated back to OUR CENTER.

Thank you for your continued support!